Sabrina Vellani


Age: 22
Ethnicity: Indo-Canadian
Occupation: Actress and writer
Years of experience: 18 years of performance

Personal and professional philosophy
At the end of the day, if I can bring my authentic self into the world, then I can incorporate that into my art as well as my life.

Upcoming performances
UBC Theatre and Film’s Wives and Daughters by Jacqueline Firkins, November 9-25. In January, I’ll be in UBC’s Naked Cinema, and in March 2018, I’ll be in UBC Theatre and Film’s production of The Crucible.

What is the highlight of your work?
Performing in various UBC Theatre and Film productions such as Love and Information, Savage and Limbo and Les Belles-Soeurs. Also directing a short play called Canadian Beer as a part of The Eternal Theatre Collective’s Square One Festival.
Future goals:
Continuing to write poetry and performing in as many film or theatre productions as I can. I also hope to represent second generation Indo-Canadians in my artistry and in my work.