Nash Colundalur


Ethnicity: Indian
Occupation and/or Company: Playwright/Screenwriter/Journalist
Years of experience: 14

Personal & professional philosophy:
Approach all narratives and the people that inhabit them with awareness and generosity of judgement. These are the greatest and the most authentic stories. Find those hidden and marginalised voices!

Upcoming performances/ project:
The Trojan Horse- Play on the partition of India. The Train – Feature-length psychological horror film on the theme of body dysmorphia for Penciltrick Productions. Such a Good Girl- A coming-out comedy set within the UK Punjabi community. Jeevan and Monkeyboy- Novel.

What is the highlight of your work?
As a journalist, I have travelled to difficult places and talked to people in challenging circumstances. But despite the hardship, the unbeatable values of hope and love for family and friends persist. I have often found kindness and humanity amid war and natural disasters. Though journalism shines a light on these marginalised stories, its remit can sometimes be limited to facts and restrained by words and space a publication can afford. Whereas prose, film, and TV offers the remarkable opportunity to truly delve into the minds and hearts of characters where the audience or the reader is presented with a broader perspective.

Future goals:
Complete the edit of ‘Jeevan and Monkeyboy,’ a coming-of-age novel set against the backdrop of radical politics in India. Further inroads into film and TV.

Project brief/teaser:
‘We Mourners’ – When friends gather for a customary meal to toast their dear, departed friend, they are met with an extraordinary impediment that threatens to derail the event and expose their pretenses.