Praneet Akilla

Praneet Akilla

Age: 27
Ethnicity: Indian
Occupation and/or Company: Actor
Years of experience: 2

Personal & professional philosophy:
Work smart, be kind to people, and be persistent. The life and career journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t be afraid to take risks for things that make you happy- it’s worth it no matter the result.

Upcoming performances/project:
Starring as Phillip Mishra in the upcoming Netflix Original Series October Faction on January 23. Also starring in the upcoming Indian epic “Mahabharata” at the Shaw Theatre Festival.

What is the highlight of your work?
October Faction and Mahabharata. Also, being a full-time working actor is a blessing.

Future goals:
To keep working as an actor doing meaningful projects in both film/TV and theatre. I want to lead a sci-fi thriller series. It’s going to happen one day!