Sitara Rhiannon Hewitt


Ethnicity: Pakistani and Welsh
Occupation and/or Company: Meditation coach and actress. But my full time job is being a stay at home mom, which has been the most fulfilling of all my jobs.
Years of experience: 20

Personal & professional philosophy:
Do what makes you happy and healthy while uplifting others at the same time.

Upcoming performances/ project:
Launching a membership site for my meditation company. I’m a spokesperson for a US Internet company with ads nationally. Recently I was a guest star on the fun Canadian Show: Hudson and Rex.
I’ve been using a supplement called SierraSil. Their products help me stay pain free. I have partnered with this company to help promote healthy living. This is an exciting creative endeavour I am proud to be a part of.

What is the highlight of your work?
Starring on Little Mosque on the Prairie was a special experience because it was one of the first times in history that South Asians had their own, English language, mainstream show. And it wasn’t all about stereotypes. The cast and crew were amazing to work with and our fans really appreciated us.

Future goals:
To live somewhere in nature with lots of pets and kids. The simple things impress me more now; time to exercise, sleep and eat healthy. Being able to spend days with my son, get into nature and not just rush around in traffic or in Target on the weekends. I want to really live and enjoy the moments.