Veenu Sandhu


Age: 42
Ethnicity: Canadian with Punjabi Sikh roots
Occupation and/or Company: Actor
Years of experience: 16

Personal & professional philosophy:
Our modern world constantly draws us out of our bodies and into our head. Most of us are disconnected from a lot of sensations and emotions. Through storytelling I love reminding people, including myself, that our bodies are just as wise as our brains.

Upcoming performances/project:
Himmat by Gavin Kaur Cheema

What is the highlight of your work?
Bachani, my character in Himmat, embodies a different kind of strength than her daughter Ajit, and husband Banth. She reminds her family what’s important, and as she gets older, becomes a steadying force for the family dynamic.

Future goals:
I will be submitting a short film script to the Mighty Asian Moviemaking Marathon this summer, and hope to direct it if it’s selected. Also, one day I hope to be a recurring character on a Star Trek franchise.