Wali Shah


Age: 25
Ethnicity: Pakistani-Canadian
Occupation and/or Company: Poet, Public Speaker
Years of experience: 8

Personal & professional philosophy:
To be a voice for minority groups through my advocacy, to be a role model for youth through my platform, and to be a messenger sharing the experiences of people, brands, and event narratives through my artistry.

Upcoming performances/ project:
Working on a brand partnership with Natural Calm Canada & their charity, Thrive. Together, we are working to empower individuals to increase their health and well-being, while also giving back to vulnerable individuals, and orphans, in impoverished communities around the globe. Thrive focuses on a holistic approach in efforts, and their work is grassroots and indigenously led.

What is the highlight of your work?
My recent TEDx Talk on Masculinity: www.lifeaswali.com/featured

Future goals:
To write a book, and to travel the world. I want to capture my travel experiences to re-tell stories of people I meet, and to raise awareness about the issues I come across. I hope to visit my motherland Pakistan and share my experiences through my writing. I also aspire to do Hajj (the Islamic pilgrimage) and visit Mecca to grow my relationship with my faith as a Muslim.