Zaid Ali


Age: 23
Ethnicity: Pakistani
Occupation and/or Company: YouTuber/Entertainer
Years of experience: Eight

Personal & professional philosophy:
I want everyone to be able to sit down with their families and enjoy my content. Sometimes people think that making YouTube videos is an easy profession, but it is just as hard as any other profession. There are absolutely no shortcuts in life.

Upcoming performances/ project:
I am partnering with Zabiha Halal for this Ramadan on a campaign called Sharing Halal. This campaign centers around a video produced by Pakistani-Canadian filmmaker, Haya Waseem, which showcases a Muslim family having a non Muslim family over for dinner to soak up some culture through Halal cuisine and discover the beauty of Ramadan while also recognizing the similarities we all have regardless of our background.

What is the highlight of your work?
The White vs brown weddings video.

Future goals:
I have always wanted to gear myself towards professional acting, whether it be in Pakistani Dramas or movies. The main goal is to be able to play a character which is not made by me, but someone else. That’s where I feel I would be able to challenge my skills the most. The ultimate goal would be to feature in a drama and nail my character.