Yasmin Virani

Age: 30
Ethnicity: South Asian
Occupation and/or Company: Actor – Writer – Director
Years of experience: I’ve been performing ever since I was nine!

Next Performance:
Right now, I’m on tour with my new play, ANAND (bliss, peace, happiness). “In this semi-autobiographical, one woman show; Yasmin Virani tells us her story of intimacy, vulnerability, and sexual self-discovery.” Check out my website for a show near you!

What is the highlight of your performance?
The story. It’s a very real story of a young woman trying to figure herself and her artistry out. For some art is luxury, for others, a necessity. I mean, the play is ultimately a love story, but juxtaposing this are ideas of friendship, loyalty, and emotional survival.

Future goals as an Artist:
Well, ANAND, has been an extremely gratifying experience for me as an Artist. To have people laugh with me, cry with me, essentially live my experiences with me , has been quite extraordinary. If I can continue to inspire and be inspired – that’s my goal; to experience more of myself and share my humanity with others.
