Gavan Cheema


Age: 27
Ethnicity: Punjabi & Canadian
Occupation and/or Company: Writer, Producer, Director. Associate Artistic Director @ Theatre Conspiracy
Years of experience: 5

Personal & professional philosophy:
My artistic practice is grounded in my belief in Seva. Seva is a Sikh principle that can be defined as an act of service to benefit other human beings or society. Yes, I am an artist, but foremost I am an active member of my community. I make theatre for my voice as an emerging arts leader and writer to support and uplift my community, It is a privilege to be able to gather and tell the stories of my people.

Upcoming performances/project:
Himmat by Gavan Cheema (I’m the writer and also acting in it)
What is the highlight of your work?
The people I get to create with. Himmat is a deeply personal story, I’m so fortunate to work on this project with people who are dedicated to the craft. We have an amazing team behind this project, There has been so much care and support in the rehearsal room.

Future goals:
I’m looking forward to leading a theatre company with kindness and community at the core. I want to continue developing my voice as a writer and director and look forward to creating a Canadian theatre canon that is diverse.