Kimira Reddy


Age: 30
Ethnicity: Indian South African
Occupation and/or Company: Creative Director, Set Designer, Artist Years of experience: Five

Personal & professional philosophy:
Growth is a constant journey. I love what I do. I pursue my aspirations with unwavering determination, never waiting for the perfect moment. Self-care and valuing myself are central to my philosophy, as I believe well-being is key to achieving excellence.I never forget my roots, recognizing that where I come from shapes who I am and guides me forward.

Upcoming performances/ project: Drift

What is the highlight of your work?
My art installation encourages viewers to experience an echo of their own existence in the artwork, prompting them to question what fades and changes in their lives and what endures forever. The installation becomes alive when people are in space.

Future goals:
To hone my skills as a designer and to continue to learn, grow and add value to the world through my art.

Project brief / teaser:
This Indian Summer Festival art installation is an immersive exploration of life’s profound paradoxes — growth and decay, permanence and transience, the everlasting and the ephemeral.
Let Drift guide you through a meditative exploration with a canopy of vibrant fabrics flowing through driftwood, suspended ethereally above. The fabric symbolises the indomitable spirit of life—its colour, its vibrancy—complemented by roots that grow, decay, and are ultimately shaped by the tides of experience. Lie back and reconnect with the deeper rhythms of life amidst the day-to-day rush.
Drift beckons you to question: In the cycle of growth and decay, what is truly gained, and what is lost?