Dianne Wulf


Age: 30
Ethnicity: Mixed Filipino
Occupation and/or Company: Actor/ writer/ director
Years of experience: 5

Personal & professional philosophy:
“Don’t wait for the right moment, start and make each moment right. Make improvements, not excuses.”

Upcoming performances/ project:
She has four movies coming out: Spin the Wheel, Dark Match, Vintage Bride and Red Pine City.

What is the highlight of your work?
Dianne’s work explores female-centric themes, trauma, and depiction of complex and flawed characters, and offers new perspectives on family, identity, and culture.

Future goals:
To write and direct her first feature film.

Project brief / teaser:
Spin the Wheel is an edge-of-your-seat dark-comedy supernatural thriller about a group of strangers in a dive bar whose faith and resolve are tested past their breaking points as the world ends around them.

Trailer link: https://youtu.be/q2-9svQZiL8