Jasmine Sethi


Ethnicity: South Asian, Indian Canadian
Occupation and/or Company: Executive Founder, Humanitarian Clique Canadian Research-based Organization
Years of experience: More than four years

Personal & professional philosophy:
To have a positive mindset in life, understand that there is no substitute for this, and to continue making genuine efforts to climb the ladder in small steps. To practice the principle of mastery in everything that I do which means learning to do the easy things but also learning strategies to overcome setbacks and challenges to become the best.

Upcoming performances/ project:
Project P.I.E.S: Philanthropy, Innovation, Envision & Social Change will use arts-based research as artistic forms and expressions to represent and challenge human experiences and existing norms, facilitating digital social change and transformation.

What is the highlight of your work?
Connecting regular people = leaders to write narratives that propel change = positive social impact. A creative platform for diverse researchers that eliminates discriminatory policies, and focuses on authenticity and optimism. Some papers will be published in different languages from Canada, and Europe, Ireland, Nigeria, Peru, Turkey, and Syria. We are looking to collaborate with more countries.

Future goals:
To work with international educational systems and small-scale or start-up nonprofit organizations to give opportunities to potential researchers or to give voice to the voiceless, to write about what truly matters to them in alignment with the organization’s mission. To increase inclusiveness by recruiting volunteers from around the globe.